By default, recent versions of Android prevent apps from operating in the background to extend battery life. In order to reliably monitor your SensorPush sensors via Bluetooth with the app in the background on Android, you'll need to disable these optimizations. The exact steps may vary slightly depending on your device or Android version, but here are overviews for Android 12/13 (and potentially early releases of Android 14) and Android 14+:
Android 12/13 (and early 14)
1. Open the Required Settings screen in the SensorPush app. You can find this on the main app settings screen, accessible by tapping the gear icon in the upper left corner of the main device list.
2. If you see a "FIX" button next to "DISABLE BATTERY OPTIMIZATION" near the bottom of the screen, tap it. If you instead see a green "OK" button or the option is missing altogether, then your settings are already set properly.
3. On the Android settings screen that appears change the dropdown from "Apps not optimized" to "All".
4. Tap the search button in the top bar on the right, and search for SensorPush. If you don't see a search option, just scroll in the list until you find it.
5. When you find SensorPush, tap it to turn the switch off, disabling optimizations. Other versions of Android may present you with a list of options or a slightly different interface, but whatever the specifics, you want to disable the battery optimizations.
6. When that's finished, use the system back button to navigate back several steps until you reach the SensorPush app's required settings screen. You should now see the green "OK" next to "DISABLE BATTERY OPTIMIZATION" indicating that everything is set properly.
Android 14+
1. Open the Required Settings screen in the SensorPush app. You can find this on the main app settings screen, accessible by tapping the gear icon in the upper left corner of the main device list.
2. If you see a "FIX" button next to "DISABLE BATTERY OPTIMIZATION" near the bottom of the screen, tap it. If you instead see a green "OK" button or the option is missing altogether, then your settings are already set properly.
3. On the Android settings screen that appears, be sure the drop down says "All apps".
4. Tap the search button in the top bar on the right, and search for SensorPush. If you don't see a search option, just scroll in the list until you find it.
5. When you find SensorPush, tap it.
6. Be sure the allow background usage toggle is turned on.
7. Tap the "Allow background usage" text.
8. In the screen that appears, select "Unrestricted."
9. When that's finished, use the system back button to navigate back several steps until you reach the SensorPush app's required settings screen. You should now see the green "OK" next to "DISABLE BATTERY OPTIMIZATION" indicating that everything is set properly.